My focus tonight is the anti-business, anti-consumer choice, anti-free market, anti-intelligence round of prohibitionary-esque laws proposed and passed by the Utah Legislature. Perhaps the worst is SB 314, which has now been signed into law by our 'Moderate' (cough cough) Governor Herbert. SB 314 has eliminated 'happy hours' or any discounted drink deals in Bars across Utah. Yes, this means that the free-market lovin', tea-partyin', gun-slingin', don't tread on me (in') Government of Utah is deciding to FORCE restaurants and bars to keep alcohol prices stable day by day, i.e. strong-armed price-fixing. Not only is this a bad deal for the average alcohol consumer, it is a terrible deal for the institutions that serve alcohol as they stand to lose their freedom to offer enticing deals to costumers (and may lose many customers). Has the government stepped in to regulate the discounted sale of Coke in gas stations one might ask? No, because the reasoning of the great small-government lovin' legislature, as promulgated by SB 314 sponsor Sen. Valentine (R-Orem): 'over consumption' of alcohol is the issue.
City Weekly has investigated this feared over consumption of alcohol and the predicted consequences that are said to follow-drunk driving, for instance. City Weekly's reporting found that Drunk Driving fatalities actually DECREASED after private clubs were abolished in 2009-from 240 to 235- (important because: when private clubs went out the window, daily drink specials become paramount). Drunk driving arrests also did not go up noticeably after private clubs were abolished. There is NO evidence to back up the claims that cheap liquor leads to increased incidences of drinking crimes. Drunk driving is a crime no matter how cheap the drinks!!
So, Sen. Valentine and his big-government friends are not attacking discounted drinks at bars and restaurants because it leads to more drunk driving fatalities or arrests? SHOCKING! The truth is: this is simply a misguided and narcissistic attempt to issue a thinly-disguised fatwa against alcohol. And Valentine's war doesn't stop with killing discounted drinks. He also also helped:
*** Successfully push for the 'Zion Curtain" which is a wall that new restaurants in Utah are forced to erect around bars. The Curtain is said to protect the innocent mind of children from the surely satanic guiles of drinking (dun dun dun!!). Is the Utah Congress insulting your parenting skills and intelligence? YES!
*** Successfully advocated for 'liquor quotas' that are stifling business in Utah and keeping new restaurant chains out. Simply put, there are no more licenses available, so new businesses are out of luck
***Almost successfully pushed to close down Several State liquor stores, despite the fact that these stores are profitable and good job creators.
The Big-government GOP in Utah are insulting the intelligence of Utahns-it is time we make our voices heard-we are adults and we can parent our kids (our future kids!)
Fired up!
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