
So happy

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"The election was cooked"


Today, several STAND members, including myself, attended the "What is Happening Inside Iran" lecture at the SLC Library. Farideh Farhi, a distinguished professor and author, gave a long, informative, and sometimes circuitous lecture about the internal dynamics of the protests and subsequent crackdown in Iran. I will summarize some of her most important points for the benefit of those who haven't had a chance to hear her speak.

-"The Election [in Iran] was cooked" She said this to express her conviction that the election wasn't simply rigged, tweaked, or manipulated, but was a complete fraud. She firmly asserted that Moussavi (MHM) was elected by the Iranian people, but that his rightful victory was stolen. To back up her claims, Farhi notes that historically a turnout over %60 would go to the Reformists camp and that the turnout in the recent election was %80, so consequently, it is unlikely that Ahmadinejad (MA) won. She mentioned that Reformist candidates in Iran have to win the majority of votes + "4-5 million more" to secure an electoral victory. I thought it was interesting that she didn't mention voting irregularities, ballot stuffing, and other electoral back-handed actions in detail.

Farhi stated that the 2009 election was unique in many ways, one of which being that the debates between MA and MHM were heated, widely viewed, and very personal. She also expressed shock that the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini changed the nature of his office and made a very public endorsement of MA and mr. MA's victory. Farhi insists that the government in Iran is schismed and that the protests keep happening, much to the chagrin of the Revolutionary Guards.

I thought that it was especially interesting that reformists are starting to chant "death to Russia" rather than the traditional mantra "death to America". Of note is that, according to Farhi, neither Moussavi or Ahmadinejadwould be willing to stop Iran's nuclear enrichment program and Farhi asserts that it is Iran's right to enrich under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, which Iran is party to. Mr. Ahmadinejad and Moussavi differ on their approach to foreign policy, however, with the former preferring a bellicose interaction with the west and the latter preferring a softer approach.

I wish that it were mentioned that Iran and the U.S. are already engaged in a proxy-war for the most part. Iran has been accused of funding a variety of terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and evidence points to the U.S. backing of terrorist groups like the Mujahedeen-e Khalq, an anti-Iranian terrorist group.



  1. Thank you for posting your notes here, sad I missed the lecture. Death to Russia? That IS interesting. De facto war between US and Iran --> agreed.

    P.S. thanks for making my blog a 'must read' that's quite an honor to be on that particular short list! I'll do my best to deserve that!

  2. Dani,

    You are welcome. Please keep writing, it is a pleasure to read your blog.

