
So happy

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Antigone (a new poem)

Here is an original poem that I just finished about the fictional Antigone (pronounced an-tig-o-knee). This is my love poem to her-as she would be quite the woman-if indeed real! Hope you enjoy!

Lovely Antigone,
Would you bury me
Should my bones rest far from thee?
Darling Antigone,
Will thy hands strike violently
The Gods who drone so ambly
In their sadistic eternity?
Can you quiet their cackling
Fire-tongue crackling erubescently?
Dearest Antigone,
You would run the sword of ignominy
Through your gaping belly
Solely for our simple monogamy.
I will savor your memory
Through the iridescent eyes of our progeny
And thank you for loving me.

***Original poem by Cameron Morgan. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2013.***

Sunday, July 7, 2013



This is another original poem that I just wrote a few seconds ago. Hope you enjoy!

How I mourn for you,
Million-year-dead smile,
How I pine,
Roots nuclear-severed,
How I mumble prayers-
Vacuum-ears long-deaf.
Won't you chance a show-
Glimmer a hopeful streak-
Shadow the whelmed light-
Crease the garish and gaunt-
With opal-looming digits?
Will you extend silvered-hope
To my entombed heart-
Scintillate to re-animate
All things ennui and inveigled?
Will you listen to the fevered scratches
Of my voice 'gainst the endless void...
And rejoin the living?

***All Rights Reserved. Copyright Cameron Morgan. 2013. ***